Your First Web Page

Create a simple practice Web page with the following features:

01 Properly open and close the <html> tag
02 Properly open and close and nest the <body> tag
03 Properly open and close and nest the <head> tag
04 Properly open and close and nest the <title> tag
05 Add an appropriate comment tag <-- --> that includes your name and the creation date
06 Properly open and close and use an <h1> and an <h2> tag
07 Appropriately use a <p> tag using your own text as the paragraph content
08 Appropriately use a <br> tag
09 Appropriately use a <strong> tag
10 Appropriately use a <em> tag


Validation checks the syntax of your file, looking for both errors and possible issues when viewing your page in a browser. Some of the problems reported are missing end tags, missing characters, invalid attributes, incorrect nesting of elements...
 your file, see:

Save your file as FirstPage-YourLastName.htm and preview it in your browser.