Cascading Stylesheets

Create a practice Web page Cascading Stylesheets with the following features:

01 Properly start a new page with all the appropriate tags: <html> <head> <title> <body>
02 Link your new.htm page to a Cascading Stylesheet named myStyles.css
03 In CSS, set the body background color to yellow, and default font size to 14 pixels
04 In CSS, set the color of all header1 tags to purple
05 In CSS, set the default font size and font weight for all list items
06 In CSS, set a hover rollover effect so that if you move your mouse over a hyperlink it will turn red
07 Define a class called .specialTopic and set its font size to 16px and color to red
08 Define a Nav id for a horizontal navigation division; set the background color to blue and the foreground color to white
09 Define a Footer id which has a font size set to x-small and is centered
10 Use and clearly demonstrate each of the CSS features above in your linked .htm page(s)


Validation checks the syntax of your file, looking for both errors and possible issues when viewing your page in a browser. Some of the problems reported are missing end tags, missing characters, invalid attributes, incorrect nesting of elements...
 your file, see:

Save your file as CSS-YourLastName.htm and preview it in your browser.